General discussion of OpenCATS

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By kevinharper
Is there any way to create a default filter so it will always displays a pre-selected filter result?

My situation is that we want to reserve the Candidates tab for only those candidates who are actively being considered. "Status" seems only to be applicable to the Candidate in relationship to the Job, not the Candidate as a person. Our goal is to keep all applicants in the database for future reference, so if they apply again in 2 years, we can see the previous notes. But to remove a Candidate from the tab, it appears that we need to actually delete them from the database altogether.

To solve this, I created a custom Candidate field called "Deadfile" and a filter to only see Candidates where Deadfile=No. But the problem is that the filter is not persistent. We have to re-filter every time we log out and back in.

Last edited by kevinharper on 23 Sep 2017, 01:42, edited 1 time in total.
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By cptr13
Hrmm. Ok, I hear you.

Based on what you're saying, I think checking the "hot candidate" checkbox on the candidate profile could accomplish that too. I believe there's an option to view only hot candidates.
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By cptr13
Yes, on the edit candidate screen there's a checkbox for hot candidate.

On the main candidate screen theres a checkbox for viewing only hot candidates.

When they're in process, just mark them hot, and view only hot candidates.

Just uncheck them when they're no longer in consideration.
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By kevinharper
That could be a workaround, I guess, but it's not ideal. The problem is that it requires every incoming application to be marked "Hot" just so they will show up in the Candidate list, then be unmarked later. I'd rather use the "Hot" designation for candidates that have actually been screened and look very good.

The way I would like it to work is that the default is for all to show up, until some other action hides from the Candidate page. Let me know if you have other ideas to accomplish this.
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By kevinharper
OK, so I found a checkbox at the top of the Candidate edit screen that says "Active." The tooltip says that unchecking the box will remove the candidate from search results. I was excited, because this is exactly what I was looking for, but when I tried it, the candidate still shows up by default in the Candidate tab.

See screenshot. Is this a bug, or am I not understanding something?
Screenshot of Active checkbox in Candidate edit view.
Screenshot of Active checkbox in Candidate edit view.
active-checkbox.png (162.84 KiB) Viewed 11137 times
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By cptr13
#3358 to make sure I understand the workflow you're going for here:

The only people that you want viewable on the main candidates screen, are people who are currently in consideration to some extent.
These people are entering the system through the career portal (web application)
You review them, the one's who are rejected are "inactive" for up to two years.
You want to keep the "inactive" candidates in the system, but you don't want them viewable on the main candidates screen.

Prefer to keep the "hot" checkbox available for candidates that are in consideration and actually "hot" candidates.

If that's wrong....let me know.

Will you be the only user for the OpenCATS system? If there are multiple users...I don't think this would work, but there may still be another option.

My thinking is this, and I just tested it, I think it will hit all these points.

Create a system user called "Inactive candidates" (or whatever).

When the candidates apply through the site, if you (kevin/admin) are the "owner" of the jobs they're applying to, when their record is created in the system, you will own those candidates by default.

When you review a candidate, and they're unqualified, after you leave your notes and change their status, change the owner from yourself (or admin) to the "inactive candidates" user.

Then, as you view the main candidates screen, you can select the "only my candidates" box at the top, and it will auto-filter out all of the candidates that are owned by the "inactive recruiter" user.

Make sense?

Not sure there's a better way to do this.
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By cptr13
And the "active" checkbox removes them from the search results, not from the candidate screen. So that won't work for what you're looking for, if I'm understanding correctly.
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By kevinharper
That's correct. I think we may have to use the Hot Candidates idea as a workaround. It just seems more intuitive to have a checkbox that says "Active Candidates Only."
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By kevinharper
It seems like it ought to be a single line of code to edit the Candidate table to filter only Active candidates without any extra clicks.

The MySQL candidate table has a field "is_active" and Candidates.php makes use of this column as a variable "isActive" a few times. But I'm not a coder and am afraid of messing something up.

Can someone more experienced tell me if there's a way to limit the candidates query for the table output to only "is_active = 1" records?

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By cptr13
Hi. You'll want to file an issue on our GitHub page for that. A developer will look at it and answer it when they're able

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Can anyone assist me? Much appreciated.