General discussion of OpenCATS

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By RussH
Hi - there is some email customisation capability within the app.

You can see the details of the new capabilities available here;
User is able to define own templates and delete user defined templates (the original ones cannot be deleted).
User is able to use them for direct emailing to candidates e.g. from main candidate datagrid under Action ->Send Email.
beyond this, what are you asking for.. looking again at your post, you may not be able to get email working on your server?
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By RussH

you're getting a smtp error.

Are you trying to use gmail / php mail / local smtp gateway?

Please check your config.php file in your opencats directory to ensure you have the correct username / password / server created;

Code: Select all
/* This setting configures the method used to send e-mail from CATS. CATS
 * can send e-mail via SMTP, PHP's built-in mail support, or via Sendmail.
 * 0 is recomended for Windows.
 * 0: Disabled
 * 1: PHP Built-In Mail Support
 * 2: Sendmail
 * 3: SMTP
define('MAIL_MAILER', 3);
/* Sendmail Settings. You don't need to worry about this unless MAIL_MAILER
 * is set to 2.
define('MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH', "/usr/sbin/sendmail");
/* SMTP Settings. You don't need to worry about this unless MAIL_MAILER is
 * set to 3. If your server requires authentication, set MAIL_SMTP_AUTH to
 * true and configure MAIL_SMTP_USER and MAIL_SMTP_PASS.
define('MAIL_SMTP_HOST', "localhost");
define('MAIL_SMTP_PORT', 587);
define('MAIL_SMTP_AUTH', true);
define('MAIL_SMTP_USER', "user");
define('MAIL_SMTP_PASS', "password");
//Options: '', 'ssl' or 'tls'
define('MAIL_SMTP_SECURE', "tls");
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By RussH
HI. Okay, so you're using WAMP. Is this a shared hosting or local server? php built-in mail support assumes you're running it on a webserver. If it's a localhost you'll have to use sendmail or preferably configure it to use a gmail account.
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By RussH
shreeprasath wrote:Iam using localhost RussH,,

Okay if this is localhost, you're best off to use an existing email account - gmail is a good example. Please see below what you need in your config.php.. note you will need to put in your actual gmail username and password :-)

/* This setting configures the method used to send e-mail from CATS. CATS
* can send e-mail via SMTP, PHP's built-in mail support, or via Sendmail.
* 0 is recomended for Windows.
* 0: Disabled
* 1: PHP Built-In Mail Support
* 2: Sendmail
* 3: SMTP
define('MAIL_MAILER', 3);
/* Sendmail Settings. You don't need to worry about this unless MAIL_MAILER
* is set to 2.
define('MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH', "/usr/sbin/sendmail");
/* SMTP Settings. You don't need to worry about this unless MAIL_MAILER is
* set to 3. If your server requires authentication, set MAIL_SMTP_AUTH to
* true and configure MAIL_SMTP_USER and MAIL_SMTP_PASS.
define('MAIL_SMTP_HOST', "");
define('MAIL_SMTP_PORT', 587);
define('MAIL_SMTP_AUTH', true);
define('MAIL_SMTP_USER', "sheeprasath gmail user");
define('MAIL_SMTP_PASS', "sheeprasath gmail pass");
//Options: '', 'ssl' or 'tls'
define('MAIL_SMTP_SECURE', "tls");


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Can anyone assist me? Much appreciated.