have you installed OpenCATS? Proud of your customizations and want to share it? Post here and wait for the praise...

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Forum rules: Just please remember to play nicely once you walk through the door. You can disagree with us, or any other commenters in this forum, but keep your comments directed to the topic at hand - not at the commenter.
By ssodhi
For some reason, OpenCATS asked me for a license key. I don't remember having to put in a license key the last time I installed. To do away with that whole shoddy business:

Code: Select all
        if (!file_exists('modules/asp') || (defined('CATS_TEST_MODE') && CATS_TEST_MODE))
        {            if (!file_exists('modules/asp') && !LicenseUtility::isProfessional())
                echo '<a href="http://www.catsone.com/professional" target="_blank">';
                echo '<img src="images/tabs/small_upgrade.jpg" border="0" /> ';
                echo '<b>For more features, upgrade to CATS Professional</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', "\n";
            	echo '<span style="padding-right:2px">' . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . '</span>';
            // On-site wizard pages
            if (!LicenseUtility::isLicenseValid())
                if (defined('LICENSE_KEY') && LICENSE_KEY == '')
                    $template = 'Register.tpl';
                    $templateName = 'Register';
                    $template = 'Reregister.tpl';
                    $templateName = 'License Expired';
                $wizard->addPage($templateName, './modules/login/wizard/' . $template, '', false, true);
Comment everything between the topmost braces out (or all of it, if you want.)

Code: Select all
            if (!file_exists('modules/asp') && !LicenseUtility::isProfessional())
                echo '<a href="http://www.catsone.com/professional" target="_blank">';
                echo '<img src="images/tabs/small_upgrade.jpg" border="0" /> ';
                echo '<b>For more features, upgrade to CATS Professional</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', "\n";
            	echo '<span style="padding-right:2px">' . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . '</span>';
I commented out the "For more features..." line and replaced it with a nice date string which reads "Tuesday 20th of October 2009 10:43:04 AM" instead.

I feel that these sorts of things are unprofessional. I'll be working on gradually removing them as I work towards deploying OpenCATS in a live environment for my employer.
By ssodhi
From the Candidate add screen:
Code: Select all
doublemint:/var/www/cats/cats-0.9.1# find -type f | xargs grep -n "upgrade to CATS professional."
./modules/candidates/Add.tpl:138:                                <a href="http://www.catsone.com/professional" target="_blank">All daily resume imports used. For more, upgrade to CATS professional</a>.
Just open up Add.tpl and remove line 138.
By ssodhi
Starting at line 57 of ./modules/settings/Administration.tpl
Code: Select all
                                    <?php /*if (LicenseUtility::isProfessional()): ?>
                                    Manage your account, add more licenses or renew your subscription.
                                    <?php else: ?>
                                    Professional users get features like our plug-ins, resume importer and a careers website.
                                    <?php endif; */?>
By ssodhi
Lines 43 through 108 can be done away with from /modules/settings/Adminstration.tpl

Replace them with a simple:
Code: Select all
<?php if(true){}?>
Lines 43 and 44 respectively should read:
Code: Select all
			<?php if(true){}?>
                        <?php else: ?>
Line 33 can go from:
Code: Select all
<p class="noteUnsized">CATS Professional</p>
Code: Select all
<p class="noteUnsized">OpenCATS</p>
From line 38:
Code: Select all
                                <td colspan="2" style="background: #E7EFFF url(images/settingsAdminProf.jpg) no-repeat; height: 50px;">
Select your own background image.

I'll make a patch once I'm all done, but till then I'll continue to note changes in this thread.
By ssodhi
Removed line 822 of TemplateUtility.php (it's under ./lib)
No more " © 2005 - 2007 Cognizo Technologies, Inc. " at the bottom of my pages, but I've still got the CPL-mandated "Powered by CATS" linking to catsone.com
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By RussH
Thanks for your work. It's very much appreciated! Version 0.9.1-a already had some of the fixes. I'm assured by my webhosts that my subversion server will finally have it's glitches fixed today, so pm me and i'll set you up with commit rights!
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By mabdalla
I think we need to work on a version 0.9.2 with all the branding/licensing related code stripped down. This can serve as a main release to work on as the first OpenCATS version.

We can also brand this version as OpenCATS and release it under a proper GPL. What do you thing.
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By cptr13
We can not remove the "© 2005 - 2007 Cognizo Technologies, Inc." portion. That is explicitly stated in the license and there's no wiggle room for creativity. Removing that is a license breach.

However, I want to strongly suggest again, that the "powered by CATS" link start directing people here instead of the cats one website.
"III) The "Powered by CATS" text or logo must be retained and clearly
legible on every rendered HTML document. The logo, or the text
"CATS", must be a hyperlink to the CATS Project website, currently

There's two reasons I feel comfortable doing this. First, it specifically states it must be a hyperlink to the CATS "project" website. There is currently no CATS project supported by Cognizo, this is implying by using the word "project" that it should refer to the open-source project website, as it was at the time. The open-source project is now here. Secondly, they included the word "currently" which allows the possibility that the project website may change at some point in the future, which it has. We need to link the "powered by CATS" to openCATS.org on all the downloadable files in my opinion.
Last edited by cptr13 on 12 Feb 2010, 01:37, edited 1 time in total.
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By cptr13
And we can't simply slap a GPL on it. It doesn't work that way. We're using CATS under the licensing terms they set out, we have to either
1) play by their rules, in their license
2) rewrite it from scratch and release it under GPL
3) Make whatever changes we want and settle it in court, if it gets to court.

For what it's worth, and this is OPINION only. It's going to cost certain people a LOT more to chase down and sue CPL violaters then what I think it would be worth. I simply don't think it's practical. I am not condoning or suggesting that we violate the license terms, just stating my thoughts on the practicality of enforcing it. Who would they choose to sue? A large portion of the active community here on the forums are not in the United States, now you're talking about an international case....good luck with that. Lastly, and again, my opinion only, the phrase open-source was thrown around liberally and loosely from the beginning and used HEAVILY from a marketing standpoint when we've established that the license terms do not allow it to be defined as "open-source" by the organizations that have put so much into laying out definitions. So it's not hard to argue that the community was mislead.

I'm not trying to start the same old arguments that have been had repeatedly, but in reality, is it worth the time, effort, and money to enforce these license terms, when the end users are small firms, solo individuals, and spread all over the world?

Just thoughts on the topic.

I fully expect a nasty torrent of responses from certain individuals on this :)
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By RussH
cptr13 - always trying to start a fight :-)

Okay - one way around the requirement for the 'powered by cats' link on every rendered html doc is to use the joomla or wordpress plugins.

The image can certainly be reduced to a link (rather than the current image), you can make it gray on white - but (and again this is OPINION only) you cannot change the target site without the agreement of the license holder. May be wrong.

Why don't we get all the patches, fixes, twitter plugins etc, roll 'em into a version 0.9.2 - and draw a line under it. We can then start work on freeats or oats - which can be a reimplementation of the workflow but under the gpl.

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