- 20 Oct 2009, 15:52
For some reason, OpenCATS asked me for a license key. I don't remember having to put in a license key the last time I installed. To do away with that whole shoddy business:
I feel that these sorts of things are unprofessional. I'll be working on gradually removing them as I work towards deploying OpenCATS in a live environment for my employer.
Code: Select all
Comment everything between the topmost braces out (or all of it, if you want.) if (!file_exists('modules/asp') || (defined('CATS_TEST_MODE') && CATS_TEST_MODE))
{ if (!file_exists('modules/asp') && !LicenseUtility::isProfessional())
echo '<a href="http://www.catsone.com/professional" target="_blank">';
echo '<img src="images/tabs/small_upgrade.jpg" border="0" /> ';
echo '<b>For more features, upgrade to CATS Professional</b></a> ', "\n";
echo '<span style="padding-right:2px">' . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . '</span>';
// On-site wizard pages
if (!LicenseUtility::isLicenseValid())
if (defined('LICENSE_KEY') && LICENSE_KEY == '')
$template = 'Register.tpl';
$templateName = 'Register';
$template = 'Reregister.tpl';
$templateName = 'License Expired';
$wizard->addPage($templateName, './modules/login/wizard/' . $template, '', false, true);
Code: Select all
I commented out the "For more features..." line and replaced it with a nice date string which reads "Tuesday 20th of October 2009 10:43:04 AM" instead. if (!file_exists('modules/asp') && !LicenseUtility::isProfessional())
echo '<a href="http://www.catsone.com/professional" target="_blank">';
echo '<img src="images/tabs/small_upgrade.jpg" border="0" /> ';
echo '<b>For more features, upgrade to CATS Professional</b></a> ', "\n";
echo '<span style="padding-right:2px">' . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . '</span>';
I feel that these sorts of things are unprofessional. I'll be working on gradually removing them as I work towards deploying OpenCATS in a live environment for my employer.