I need a solution for a non-technical client that automates the backup process on Unix (Dreamhost). Since OpenCATS already has a full backup feature, it seems like it would be easy to create a script that:
1) Creates a full backup of OpenCATS on a schedule I can determine. Preferably hourly for 24 hours, then daily for a month.
2) Timestamps the zip file for future download.
3) Emails a copy of the zip file if desired, or uploads to Dropbox, FTP, etc.
Has someone created something like this already, or would someone be interested in doing so? Please PM me.
My idea would be to write a bash script then put it on a cron job. I'm not a trained coder, but could probably hack my way through some of this, but if someone has already done it, or can offer pointers, your assistance will be appreciated.